How to use basic exercise equipment in English:
1. Treadmill - A machine used for walking or running in place. Adjust the speed and incline to increase the intensity of your workout.
2. Exercise bike - A stationary bike used for cardiovascular exercise. Adjust the resistance to increase the difficulty of your workout.
3. Dumbbells - Hand-held weights used for strength training. Choose a weight that challenges you but allows you to complete the exercise with proper form.
4. Resistance bands - Elastic bands used for strength training. Choose a band with the appropriate resistance level for your fitness level.
5. Yoga mat - A cushioned mat used for yoga and other floor exercises. Use it to provide a comfortable surface for your workout and to prevent slipping.
6. Jump rope - A rope used for cardiovascular exercise. Jump at a steady pace to increase your heart rate and burn calories.
7. Stability ball - A large inflatable ball used for core strengthening exercises. Use it to improve balance and stability while performing exercises such as crunches and planks.
8. Foam roller - A cylindrical foam roller used for self-massage and stretching. Use it to release tension in muscles and improve flexibility
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